Survey: What are your top concerns about climate change locally?


Survey: What are your top concerns about climate change locally?


This Google survey from October 2021 was included in an ABCD newsletter, our website, and the Library’s Facebook page. 15 respondents chimed in, with a few responding later, up through July 2022.

Based on the open-ended comments, some respondents felt it was challenging to pick just one local climate change impact that was most concerning. The comments below (Question #2) reflect concern for the many–faceted effects of climate change here.

1. Which local climate change impact is of greatest concern to you? (choose one, and tell us more in the next question)

__ Extreme heat
__ Tick-borne illness
__ Sea level rise
__ Brown tail moth
__ Farming / gardening / food production
__ Impacts for fishing Effects on forestry
__ Energy efficiency / heating and cooling
__ Other…

2. Tell us more about your concerns, experiences or personal story about the effects of climate change.

Food production in all sectors is already experiencing issues due to climate change, and I am concerned for people’s health and our animals as well

I am concerned that the cost of changing our energy use habits to will be too great for most to change. I would like to see more financial help made available to motivate more homeowners to make the switch.

Over the past forty years of gardening here in Maine, I have noticed climate changes which are largely harmful to food production: excess heat, drought, increased insect damage.

Extreme heat impacts all of the other local impact choices

The changes wrought by extreme heat have catastrophic impact on every aspect of life today.

I am building a home in Belfast and want it to be very energy efficient and not polluting.

I think that, on the whole, sea level rise will have the greatest impact on our coastal communities.

It's very hard to pick just one of the above since we have been impacted by many, but as we have been farmers, we are concerned about the challenges to providing food to the local community.

I am concerned that while Maine has many lovely old homes, much of the housing stock is not well insulated. This includes both older homes and people living in trailers or substandard housing. This and a reliance on gas powered vehicles all contribute to climate change. The amount of sea level rise and increased precipitation is affected by the amount and sources of the energy we use.

Extreme weather changes are effecting plants and insects

Every US citizen needs to understand and know their carbon footprint.




October 2021


ABCD Team, “Survey: What are your top concerns about climate change locally?,” All of Belfast: Climate Dialogues, accessed April 28, 2024,

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