Extreme Heat Community Survey - August 2021


Extreme Heat Community Survey - August 2021


extreme heat


Belfast Free Library


August 2021


Belfast Climate Crisis Committee


In August 2021, 61 Belfast area residents were surveyed about how they coped with the extreme heat of the summer. This survey was administered by the Belfast Climate Crisis Committee and the Belfast Free Library's "All of Belfast: Climate Dialogues" project. Survey participants were at the following locations: Belfast Soup Kitchen, Belfast Area High School, Senior Center at Belfast Boathouse, and Greater Belfast Area Ministerial Food Cupboard.

Survey results are summarized in the document. It was of interest to note that 22% of participants (or a family member) had suffered medically from the heat - including heat stroke, breathing difficulties, COPD, and asthma. Also, 37% of respondents were concerned about a neighbor or friend during heat events.

The Belfast Climate Crisis Committee continues its work to learn more about how extreme heat is affecting community members, and what ideas it might recommend to the City to help with this issue.

If you or your family or neighbors have experienced the effects of extreme heat days, the ABCD project and the Climate Crisis Committee invite you to share your story, concerns and ideas - here on the ABCD website, or directly with the Climate Crisis Committee.


Belfast Free Library, “Extreme Heat Community Survey - August 2021,” All of Belfast: Climate Dialogues, accessed April 19, 2024, https://abcdbelfast.omeka.net/items/show/38.

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